Vashikaran For Husband To Leave Extramarital Affairs

Vashikaran For Husband To Leave Extramarital Affairs

Vashikaran For Husband To Leave Extramarital Affairs, When you are getting married then firstly you pray for a successful married life. If you are happy in your married life then your marriage is successful.

If you get a good partner, good in-laws, good house and good bank balance then you will certainly be happy in your married life. All these factors are very important for the success of your marriage.

Vashikaran For Husband To Leave Extramarital Affairs
Vashikaran For Husband To Leave Extramarital Affairs

But if you have everything but your partner is not good then happiness will not be there in your marriage. The happiness and success of your marriage are dependent on your relationship with your husband.

Your husband can go away from you if he is having an extramarital affair. You can certainly solve this problem with the help of mantra to leave extramarital affairs.

mantra to stop extra marital affairs of husband

Your relationship with your husband is the base of your marriage. You can have a good relationship with your in-laws and other family members but the most crucial relationship is of husband and wife.

Your married life can easily move even if you do not have a good relationship with your in-laws. But it will be very difficult for you to move your married life if your husband is not with you.

It is very common if your husband shows anger and goes away over small fights. But when he comes back after some time then everything becomes normal.

Things become difficult when your husband decides to leave you forever. You can use vashikaran mantra for husband to leave extramarital affairs if he is busy with some other woman.

There is nothing wrong if your husband is not able to give you time because of his business or job. But when you feel that he is ignoring you all the time then it is possible that he is having an extramarital affair.

mantra to stop husband from cheating

Don’t lose hope as vashikaran mantra for husband to leave extramarital affairs is with you. You should always try to maintain a good and healthy relationship with your in-laws and especially with your husband.

Your in-laws will definitely help you if you have a good relationship with them. When you are sure about the extramarital affair of your husband then you should discuss this with your in-laws.

Your love and care for your in-laws will certainly encourage them to stop their son. But if this is not working then take help of this mantra.

The extramarital relationship is the enemy of a happy married life. It only brings negativity and problems in your married life. Hence it is very important that you are able to check if your husband is having an extramarital affair.

astrological remedies for extra marital problems

The extramarital affairs will waste your life and the life of your children. So you should always try to end the extramarital affairs of your husband.

The mantra to leave extramarital affairs will be a great help for you. Your husband will come back to your life with the help of this mantra.

If your husband comes back to your life then happiness will also come back in your life.

What is the benefit of your married life when your husband is having an extramarital affair? It is a fact that generally, people will find you the reason for the extramarital affair of your husband.

Your in-laws will say that you are not a good wife because you do not take good care of your husband. Hence your husband is having extramarital affair and moving away from you.

astro remedies for how end the husband illegal affairs

People will not try to understand your pain and difficult situation. If you do not get help from anyone you should try this mantra to get solution husband related issues.

You can certainly save your married life with the use of it. The vashikaran will help to change the mind of your husband. Your husband will certainly become a good person with the effect of this mantra.

He will take good care of you and children and will not move away from his married life. The vashikaran will help your husband to understand the importance of love and trust in marriage. Extramarital affairs are not good but they are very bad.

remedies for extra marital affairs

Because they can break a happy married life and destroy the life of couples. You can certainly save your married life of you try vashikaran mantra for husband to leave extramarital affairs.

You should try to stop the extramarital relationship of your husband with the help of this mantra. It is very much possible that someone is using black magic to attract your husband.

If your husband is under the control of any vashikaran or black magic then he will start ignoring you. Moreover, you should not wait and try mantra to leave extramarital affairs if your husband is cheating on you.

The mantra to leave extramarital affairs will help you in getting back the love and care of your husband. It is the responsibility of your husband to give you love and care.Your husband will leave behind his extramarital affairs and give importance to you and family. The powerful vashikaran mantra for husband to leave extramarital affairs is given here.

You should recite with devotion “

Om KaamKaamMaliniPati Me VashMaanayThahThah”

This mantra will certainly control the mind of your husband.

Your husband will go away from his extramarital affairs and he will return to you. Now you can certainly enjoy the lovely moments with your husband.

If your husband fights with you and ignores you then it is possible that your husband is having an extramarital affair. This is certainly a very difficult time for you but you can fight with this with the help of it.

If your husband is faithful/trustworthy then you have a happy married life. And If your husband is not having extramarital affairs then you have a happy married life.

Your husband gives you love, care and attention then you have a happy married life. Now you understand how you can make your married life happy.


Maha Prachin Indrajal Vashikaran Mantra

Maha Prachin Indrajal Vashikaran Mantra

Maha Prachin Indrajal Vashikaran Mantra
Maha Prachin Indrajal Vashikaran Mantra

महा इंद्रजाल वशीकरण मंत्र- Maha Prachin Indrajal Vashikaran Mantra- Since the ancient times, as far as history has managed to a keep a record, there have been reasons for one to control the mind of another. If you have read scriptures, you will find out this possession of mind. During the era of gods soul of another was practiced. Since then, Indrajal Vashikaran Mantra has been considered as the most potent of all mantras that have never failed in its purpose.

So, if you are facing a challenge with any other individual, be it family, friends or work colleagues, and find yourself wishing to be able to control them and their actions, you can use the Indrajal Vashikaran Mantra, to achieve your goal.

The Maha Prachin Indrajal Vashikaran Mantra has been used for various reasons. Whether it’s controlling an enemy, to attain the love of someone you desire or accumulate wealth, the mantra has been very effective in all the cases.

However, the effectiveness of the Indrajal Vashikaran Mantra depends on several factors. Firstly, you can’t proceed with this mantra unless you are completely convinced with it. You can’t be skeptical and indulge in an act of fate. It’s either all in or all out.

Also, you must not do this mantra unless you are sure you can perform the vidhi right. A mantra as powerful as the Indrajal Vashikaran Mantra, cannot be dealt with lightly as it may result in complications. There is never an easy way to do anything important and worth doing. In the ancient times, sages used to meditate for decades before they achieved mastery over a mantra.

The nature of this vidhi is designed such to allow an individual to shed all mortal conditioning and realize one’s true power and potential. When the skepticisms of the mind fade away, one begins to realize one’s true nature. And with that realization comes the power to use the mantra to one’s advantage as per one’s desire.


  • Start the vidhi on a Monday at a time just before the Sunrise.
  • Pick a calm quiet place in your house where you will not be disturbed.
  • Sit in a lotus position on a comfortable mat and focus on your breathing. Continue this process till you have tuned out from your surrounding and the only thing you hear, or feel is your breathing.
  • Take a small pebble in your hand chant the Maha Prachin Indrajal Vashikaran Mantra 10001 times without taking a break.
  • You can use a rosary beads mala to keep count of the chants. Hold the pebble in your right hand and the rosary beads mala in your left hand.

“subaahsubaah teraanaaaam loo her paaltujhkobaa jaaaakaaroon o jo kraapaaaatere mujhpaarmaai her ko vaashmaaikaaraa kaaroon daae ye vaardaaaanmujh koaaedaaaa taatu haaisaab devtaaaaon kaaraajaa.”

Alternatively, you can use yet another mantra, whichever you feel you can master easily.

“mohoomaayaaaatohoomaayaaaachaahoonaaurhaaiimaayaaaa, maayaaaakaa de were mujhokaarmaaisaab ho saamaaaayaateripoojaakaaroonmaaimaaaataa de mujhko ye were maataa.”

  • After completing the above vidhi, you take the pebble with you and go to the house of the person you wish to control.
  • Then standing near the gate of the house, you throw the pebble towards the house.
  • Then while facing the person’s house, under your breath you clearly state what you want the person to do for you.
  • After this, you return to your home. This will conclude the Indrajal Vashikaran Mantra
Maha Prachin Indrajal Vashikaran Mantra
Maha Prachin Indrajal Vashikaran Mantra

The above vidhi must be repeated once a week as long as it takes. Soon, you will see the transformation taking place as the person you have targeted becomes submissive towards your command. At this point, you can discontinue the mantra.

With any mantra, it is critical that you attain mastery (Siddhi) over it. Which may seem like a long tedious process, but once you have attained Siddhi, the results will be far beyond your expectations. Even with the Indrajal Vashikaran Mantra, you will need to attain Siddhi, by mastering the mantra for at least a year. In some cases, the Siddhi has taken place after a decade or so. Naturally, if you feel you can’t invest that much time and energy, there’s another way, where you consult an expert Astrologer who will perform the ritual required for the Indrajal Vashikaran Mantra.

The Vashikaran Astrologer will perform the ritual on your behalf and provide you with a talisman of the sort which you can wear and achieve the desired result. Depending upon your situation, the Astrologer may ask you to do a few steps involved in the ritual of chanting Indrajal Vashikaran Mantra.

You can get solution with astrologer any time so if you have issues sure concern with Indrajal Vashikaran Mantra expert astrologer.

महा इंद्रजाल वशीकरण मंत्र

पुराने ज़माने से ही लोग अपने किसी खास मकसद को पूरा करने के लिए वशीकरण के उपायों का इस्तेमाल करते रहे हैं. वशीकरण के अलग-अलग तरीकों में तंत्र मंत्र और टोने टोटकों का खास महत्व होता है. इन सभी चीजों का गहरा संबंध इंद्रजाल वशीकरण मंत्र से भी होता है. इंद्रजाल वशीकरण के बारे में बहुत सारी मान्यताएं प्रचलित है. कई लोग इंद्रजाल वशीकरण को काला जादू मायाजाल और तिलिस्म भी कहते हैं, और कई लोग इसे वशीकरण के अचूक टोटके और उपाय मानते हैं. इंद्रजाल वशीकरण मायावी और पल भर में इंसान को भ्रमित कर देने वाली आश्चर्यजनक विद्या है. जिसके द्वारा वशीकरण और सम्मोहन के अलावा रोजमर्रा की जिंदगी में आने वाली अंजान बाधाओं भी से भी छुटकारा पाया जा सकता है.

इंद्रजाल पति वशीकरण मंत्र

Indrajal Vashikaran Mantra- इंद्रजाल वशीकरण का असर और सच विश्वास पर आधारित होता है. ऐसा माना जाता है की भगवान दत्तात्रेय ने इंद्रजाल वशीकरण की कल्पना और वर्णन किया था. जिसका उल्लेख चाणक्य द्वारा रचित अर्थशास्त्र और ओडिशा के राजा द्वारा रचित कौतुक चिंतामणि में किया गया है. मान्यताओं के अनुसार इंद्रजाल एक समुद्री पौधा होता है जिसके ऊपर बहुत सारी पतली पतली टहनियां लगी होती हैं. इंद्रजाल के पौधे में बहुत ज्यादा पत्तियां नहीं होती हैं.

ऐसा माना जाता है कि अगर आपके ऊपर किसी ने काला जादू या कोई टोना टोटका किया है तो इंद्रजाल के पौधे से आप काले जादू और तांत्रिक प्रभावों से बच सकते हैं. इंद्रजाल का पौधा बहुत कम जगहों पर मिलता है. जिसके पास इंद्रजाल का पौधा होता है उसके जीवन में सुख शांति धन की कमी नहीं रहती है. अगर इंद्रजाल के पौधे को खास तंत्र प्रणाली के द्वारा सिद्ध करके घर की दीवार पर लगाया जाए तो घर पर भूत-प्रेतों का असर नहीं होता है.

महा इंद्रजाल वशीकरण मंत्र इन हिंदी

इंद्रजाल का पौधा मकड़ी के जाल की तरह होता है. इंद्रजाल के पौधे को विधि पूर्वक पूजा करके साफ कपड़े में लपेट कर पूजा घर में रखने से घर की सभी समस्याएं दूर हो जाती हैं और घर में हमेशा सुख शांति बनी रहती है. इंद्रजाल में प्रबल आकर्षण शक्ति होती है. इंद्रजाल को अभिमंत्रित करके ताबीज के रूप में पहनने से हर किसी के ऊपर वशीकरण प्रभाव पड़ता है. होली, दिवाली, रवि पुष्य नक्षत्र आदि समय में मंत्रों से इंद्रजाल को अभिमंत्रित करके गले में पहनने से आध्यात्मिक क्षेत्र में भी लाभ मिलता है.

अगर आप इंद्रजाल को अपने घर के मुख्य द्वार पर लगाते हैं तो इससे आपके घर में नकारात्मक शक्तियां भूत प्रेत आदि का प्रवेश नहीं हो पाता है और घर के सभी वास्तु दोष दूर हो जाते हैं. अगर आपके घर में कोई बहुत समय से बीमार चल रहा है तो इंद्रजाल के पौधे को घर की दक्षिणी दिशा में लगाएं. ऐसा करने से मृत्यु का भय खत्म हो जाता है और स्वास्थ्य लाभ होता है. दुकान या व्यापार स्थल में इंद्रजाल के पौधे को दक्षिण दिशा में लगाने से व्यापार में सफलता मिलती है.

इंद्रजाल वशीकरण मंत्र

महा इंद्रजाल वशीकरण में शिव दत्तात्रेय के बीच हुई बातचीत के क्रम में भगवान शिव के द्वारा बताए गए तांत्रिक प्रयोगों का वर्णन किया गया है. इंद्रजाल वशीकरण की साधना बहुत ही कठिन होती है. क्योंकि इसमें तीन तरह की साधनाओं को पूरी विधि विधान के साथ एक सूत्र में बांधा जाता है. यह तीनों साधनाएं यक्षिणी, अप्सरा और देव की साधनाएं होती हैं. जिसे अभ्यास के साथ साथ समर्पण के द्वारा सीखा जा सकता है. इंद्रजाल वशीकरण के मंत्रों का जाप हमेशा सावधानी से करना चाहिए. क्योंकि इंद्रजाल वशीकरण मंत्र से जल फूंककर अगर किसी व्यक्ति को पिलाया जाता है तो वह व्यक्ति पागल भी हो सकता है.

इसके अलावा इंद्रजाल वशीकरण मंत्र का प्रयोग कभी भी किसी भी मुहूर्त में कर सकते हैं. इंद्रजाल की किताब को हमेशा साफ़ लाल कपड़े में लपेटकर साफ-सुथरे स्थान पर रखना चाहिए और कभी भी इसके मंत्रों को बिना कारण नहीं पढ़ना चाहिए नहीं तो इसका नकारात्मक असर पड़ सकता है. इंद्रजाल की किताब को हमेशा बंद कमरे में ही पढ़ना चाहिए. अगर खुले आकाश के नीचे इंद्रजाल की पुस्तक को पढ़ा जाए तो नकारात्मक शक्तियों का प्रभाव हावी हो सकता है.

इंद्रजाल पुरुष वशीकरण मंत्र-

ॐ नमो माध्यक्षीणी पतिम में वश्यं कुरु कुरु स्वाहा

इंद्रजाल राजा प्रजा मोहिनी मंत्र

ॐ नमो अरुंठनी आसव स्थनी महाराज छनि फट स्वाहा राजा प्रजा के लोग सारे मोहे

इंद्रजाल सत्ता प्राप्ति मंत्र

ॐ नमो भास्कराय त्रिलोकात्मने अमुकम मह पतिम में वश्यं कुरु कुरु स्वाहा

इंद्रजाल रोग नाशक मंत्र

ॐ नमो हिरहराय रसायंसिद्धि कुरु कुरु स्वाहा

इंद्रजाल शत्रु नाशक मंत्र

अगर कभी आपका मित्र आपका शत्रु बन जाए तो वह आप को बहुत नुकसान पहुंचा सकता है. शत्रु का नाश करने के लिए नीचे दिए गए इंद्रजाल मंत्र का 7 दिन तक 108 बार जाप करने से शत्रु का नाश हो जाता है.


ॐ चामुण्डे कुर्यम दंडे अमुक ह्रदय मम हृदयँ मध्ये प्रवेशाय प्रवेशाय प्रवेशाय स्वाहा

इंद्रजाल वशीकरण मंत्र एक बहुत ही असरकारक वशीकरण मंत्र है. अगर सही तरीके से इंद्रजाल साधना की जाए तो व्यक्ति किसी भी कोने में बैठ कर वशीकरण कर सकता है. इंद्रजाल वशीकरण करने के लिए सबसे पहले एक पीपल के पेड़ का पत्ता ले ले. इसके ऊपर उस व्यक्ति का आटे से बना पुतला रखें जिसे आप वश में करना चाहते हैं. अब इस पुतले के ऊपर उस व्यक्ति का नाम लिखें. अब आटे से बने पुतले को काले कपड़े से ढक दें. अब अपने दाहिने हाथ में काला तिल लेकर नीचे दिए गए इंद्रजाल मंत्र का 11 बार जाप करें

ब्राम्हण काम क्रोध वश रहेउ त्याहीकरण सब कीलित भयहु कहो नाथ बीन किले मंत्रा औरहु सिद्ध होय जिमि मंत्रा

इस मंत्र का जाप करने के बाद काले तिल को अपने पास रखें और पीपल के पत्ते और आटे के पुतले को किसी भी बहती हुई नदी में प्रवाहित कर दें. बहती हुई नदी में पुतले और पीपल के पत्ते को बहाने से वह व्यक्ति आपके वश में आ जाएगा और आपकी सभी बातें मानेगा. जब तक आपके पास काले तिल रहेंगे तब तक उस व्यक्ति पर वशीकरण कायम रहेगा. अगर आप इंद्रजाल वशीकरण मंत्र का असर खत्म करना चाहते हैं तो काले तिल को बहती हुई नदी में डाल दें. ऐसा करने से उस व्यक्ति पर आपके वशीकरण का असर खत्म हो जाएगा.


Powerful Vashikaran Mantras To Get Your Ex Love

Powerful Vashikaran Mantras To Get Your Ex Love

Powerful Vashikaran Mantras To Get Your Ex Love, Love affairs and marriages are becoming a challenge in today’s world. The constant conflict between partners is causing more break-ups than patch-ups. Ego-tussles, Expectation clashes and ideological rifts are the main causes of conflicts in today’s relationships.

Powerful Vashikaran Mantras To Get Your Ex Love
Powerful Vashikaran Mantras To Get Your Ex Love

If you are going through such a difficult phase in your life and want to get your partner back in your life, then you can achieve this by using the it.

Love can always be reconciled if you don’t give up hope and are persistent to win the lost love back. By using the powerful mantras to get your ex-love, you are pledging your love to your partner and that emotion will never go waste.

vashikaran mantra to get ex love back

You don’t need to be in touch with your partner or have any item owned by them for using these mantras. All that is required is your pure emotion and dedication to win the lost love back and rest will be done by the powerful vashikaran mantras to get your ex-love.

Keep your faith alive and be receptive to the changes that will take place in your life. As these changes will help mend the broken relationship and bring your ex back in your life.

Powerful Vashikaran Mantras To Get Your Ex Love

  • It is critical that you memorize and pronounce the mantras given below accurately.
  • Any of these vashikaran mantras to get your ex-love are to be chanted 100,000 times to gain Siddhi.
  • Once you have mastered the mantra and gained Siddhi, you can proceed with the vidhi. During the vidhi, the mantra has to be chanted just 11 times. Along with the mantra, you can mention the name of your partner.


|| Om HrimKaaliKapaaline Ghoornaseenee Vishwam VimohyaJagnamohya Sarva Mohya Mohya ThahThah Thah Swaha ||


|| Om Hum (Partner’s Name) May Vashyam Kuru KuruSwaha||


|| Mohini Mata Bhoot Pita Bhoot Sir Vetal

Ud Aim Kali (Partner’s Name) Ko Ja Lag

Aise Ja Lag Ki (Partner’s Name) Ko Lag Jaye HamariMohabbat Ki Aag

Na KhadeSukh Na LeteSukh Na SoteSukh

SindhoorChadhuanMangalwar Kabhi Na Chode HamaraKhyal

Jab Tak Na Dekhe Hamara Mukh Kaya TadapTadap Mar Jaye Dikaho Re ShabadApne Guru Je IIm Ka Tamasha||


Recite this mantra 108 times for 41 days, during which you can either think of your partner or look at a picture of the partner.


|| Deva DevaMahaAranya Mata Varun Pita ShandilagotravahanabuAgreSwaha

Aum Vidhya KleemKleemKatuSwaha


Aum Ham Sham ShamLokayaSwaha




Recite this mantra 81 times for 11 days, during which you can either think of your partner or look at a picture of the partner.


Note that you will need to dedicate 30 days for this vidhi. You can perform this vidhi without being close to or in contact with your partner. After you have followed the steps, you can use the this mantra.

Powerful Vashikaran Mantras To Get Your Ex Love

  • The vidhi must be initiated on the auspicious night of SomwatiAmawasya (When it’s a dark moon on Monday).
  • Cleanse yourself by taking a bath and wear a red-colored attire. Get yourself a red coral rosary.
  • This vidhi has to be performed in the same room where you sleep daily.
  • If you are sitting on the floor, put a red cloth underneath and then sit on it.
  • Put rose-perfume based oil in the lamp. Place it in front of you and then light it.
  • Now perform the PanchopcharPoojan of three Goddesses – Saraswati, Parvati,and You will need idols of all three goddesses in front of you.
  • Now mention the name of your partner and take a Sankalpbefore proceeding with the mantra. Express your desire to get your partner back in your life.
  • After offering your Sankalp to the Goddesses, light three ghee lamps in front of each of them.
  • Put garlands on each of the idols and offer fruits and sweets to the Goddesses.
  • Then ask the Goddesses to bless your wish and bring back your ex-love into your life.
  • Now take the rosary and begin chanting any of the it for 11 rosary cycle.
  • Repeat the vidhi for 30 days during which you are to refrain from all vices including alcohol and cigarettes. Also, avoid non-veg during this phase.
  • After finishing your ritual, dip all the idols in a nearby pond, well or river.
  • Wear the rosary around your neck and do Havan, in any nearby Bhagwati Temple, Use Rose petals, Sandal Wood, Saffron, Ghee,and other Havan items as an offering for the ritual.

Powerful Vashikaran Mantras To Get Your Ex Love

It is very important that you follow the instructions carefully and chant the mantras right. If for any reason you are unable to do any of the steps.

then do not begin with an incomplete vidhi. Consult a Vashikaran Expert, to understand an alternative approach to perform the vidhi.

The Vashikaran Expert Astrologer will gauge your situation and accordingly give you a right solution to perform the powerful vashikaran mantras to get your ex-love.


Tantra Mantra to Get Rid of Enemies

Tantra Mantra to Get Rid of Enemies

Tantra Mantra to Get Rid of Enemies
Tantra Mantra to Get Rid of Enemies

This is about Tantra Mantra to Get Rid of Enemies, Are you going through situation of bad luck? You cannot find success in anything you do. Whenever you start any work, lot of problems come unexpectedly. Do you have people around who are jealous of you? They are firm in their decision to destroy you. Your enemies have made sure you do not sleep single night peacefully. Now you do not know what to do. Your situation is going out of control. Do not worry because there is solution for each problem in this world. Do tantra mantra to get rid of enemies. This is best way to teach them lesson.

You meet lot many people in your journey of life. Some of them will become your special ones. These people will become your will wisher. They will stay with you no matter how much problems are there. Then there are the other type of people you will meet. These are your enemies. They will hate you. Not everyone will show their true face. Some will pretend as if they are your friends. You may wonder you never did wrong to them. Hence, you will keep on trusting them. The problem is not in you, the problem is in them. They are jealous. Therefore, they want to drag you down while you are climbing ladder of success.

Tantra Mantra to Get Rid of Enemies

You cannot do anything to them because you cannot change human behavior. They will envy you because you are their competition. They will hate you because you have something they do not have. It will disturb them when you settle down in life. They always want to see you struggling. They want you to stay unhappy in your personal life. The will try to discourage you or will try to hurt you. When they see you are still not stopping, they will stoop down very low. They will use black magic spells to harm you.

There are several ways you enemy will use to make sure you are suffering. You might be facing health issues since long time. Health issues are normal for anybody. However, your health issue does not seem to get well. You went to lot many doctors. You had many medicines. But no one has given you explanation of your illness. And no doctor can say when you will become fit. This happens when your enemy has cast some black magic spell on you. The tantra mantra to get rid of enemies will break this spell. It will also reverse the spell so he or she suffers, not you.

If you are financially good, your enemy will try to make you bankrupt. If you are doing job, you might lose it. You might struggle to get new one. If you are in business, you will be facing loses for long time. You enemy will make sure you lose everything and get in debt. This tantra mantra to get rid of enemies will protect your financial well-being. It does not matter how much strong black magic your enemy has done on you. This tantra mantra to get rid of enemies will remove the danger.

Tantra Mantra to Get Rid of Enemies

There are some other things that enemies can do. They can create a problem in your mental health. You might suffer from mental health issues such as depression. They will lay snares when they come to know about your goals. They will make you lose interest in your work. You enemy will target your loved ones to give you pain. They know your happiness lies with your loved one. They will try to block their path to success and good health. Some enemies are so danger that they can use death spell on you or your loved one. This tantra mantra to get rid of enemies is so powerful that it can stop death spell. Due to this, your enemy will badly suffer.

Tantra Mantra to Get Rid of Enemies
Tantra Mantra to Get Rid of Enemies

How tantra mantra to get rid of enemies is useful?

Your enemies will try their best to give you trouble. The tantra mantra to get rid of enemies is very effective. It has power to throw them out of your life instantly. The tantra mantra makes use of chants and pooja. When you pray and chant words it is mantra. When you do rituals like pooja along with it, then it is tantra mantra. You use it only when your enemy is crossing his or her limit. It is not wise to use tantra mantra if you have small issues with person. You do tantra mantra to get rid of enemies only when particular person deserves punishment.

The tantra mantra to get rid of enemies is not simple thing. Some people think it is just about chanting mantras so they can do it easily. If you also think so, then you are absolutely wrong. You cannot do it by yourself. If you do so, you risk your life. Hence, you should seek help of our Guruji who is tantra mantra specialist. He has complete knowledge about the rules of tantra mantra to get rid of enemies. He will make sure there are no errors while doing tantra mantra to get rid of enemies. Moreover, he got huge experience since he is in this profession for long time. He can use the spells in such way that your enemies will go away from your life instantly. He will give you correct solutions that will guard you from all the evil plans of your enemy.

There are many people like you who came to our Guruji to solve their problems. He is always more than happy to help them. There were few people who lost everything in their life. Our Guruji did tantra mantra to get rid of enemies. And today they have everything and their enemies have lost everything. He is not fraud like others who claim themselves as tantra mantra expert. His dedication and efforts in making lives better is proof he is genuine. So, what is stopping you now? Do not let your enemy to make one more move against you. Call our Guruji now and let him know your problems.

दुश्मन से छुटकारा पाने के लिए उपाय

लाख कोशिश करने पर भी जीवन में कभी न कभी हमारा सामना शत्रुओं से हो ही जाता है| ऐसा मुख्य रूप से तब होता है जब आप तेज़ी से तरक्की कर रहे हों और आपके ही किसी परिचित को ये बात खटक रही हो| वह आपसे मन ही मन नफ़रत करने लगता है और ये नफ़रत धीरे-धीरे दुश्मनी में बदलने लगती है| अगर आप भी ऐसी किसी स्थिति में फंस गये हैं तो तुरंत दुश्मन से छुटकारा पाने के लिए उपाय करें|

दुश्मन की बुरी नज़र भी आप पर नकारात्मक असर करती है| अगर दुश्मन की नजर लग जाती है तो उसे उतारना ज़रूरी हो जाता है| शुत्र की नज़र से पीड़ित व्यक्ति के सिर के ऊपर से राई, नमक, लहसुन और प्याज के सूखे हुए छिलके को जलाकर धुंआ फिराएं| इससे नज़र की समस्या से निजात मिलती है|

अगर दुश्मन ने आपकी नाक में दम कर रखा है तो दुश्मन से छुटकारा पाने के लिए उपाय इस तरह करें| इसके लिए आप 38 काली उड़द के साबुत दाने, चावल के 40 दाने लें| अब एक गड्ढा खोदें और इसमें चावल और उड़द दोनों डाल दें| इसके ऊपर दुश्मन का नाम लेते हुए नींबू निचोड़ दें| दुश्मन से छुटकारा पाने के लिए उपाय करने में यह टोटका बहुत लाभप्रद है|

दुश्मन से छुटकारा पाने के लिए उपाय तो कईं हैं लेकिन कुछ उपायों को तभी करना चाहिए जब किसी अन्य रास्ते से बात नही बन पा रही हो| ऐसा एक सरल उपाय शौचालय में बैठकर किया जा सकता है| शौचालय में ही वहां का पानी लेकर दुश्मन का उस पर नाम लिखें और 3 बार नाम को लात मार दें| इस उपाय को करने से दुश्मन से छुटकारा हो जाता है|

अगर आप दुश्मन को हानि नही पहुँचाना चाहते बल्कि ये चाहते हैं कि वह दुश्मनी छोड़ दे तो इसके लिए आप हनुमान मंदिर में दुश्मन से छुटकारा पाने के लिए उपाय करें| एक मोर का पंख लें और हनुमान जी की मूर्ति से सिंदूर लेकर उस पर दुश्मन का नाम लिख लें| इसे लाकर अपने घर के मंदिर में एक रात के लिए रखें और अगले दिन सवैरा होने पर नहाने के बाद इस पंख को नदी में प्रवाहित कर दें|

अगर आपका दुश्मन आपको काफी परेशान कर रहा तो 7 शनिवार दुश्मन को छुटकारा पाने के लिए उपाय में इस उपाय को ज़रूर करें| इस दिन 7 लौंग लें और उन पर परेशान करने वाले दुश्मन का नाम 21 बार लेकर फूंक मार दें| अगले दिन यानि रविवार को लोंग को जला दें|

दुश्मन से छुटकारा पाने के लिए उपाय के अंतर्गत अपने शर्ट की जेब में हनुमान चालीसा रखें| हनुमान जी को बूंदी का लड्डू और गुड़ भेंट करने से भी लाभकारी परिणाम प्राप्त होते हैं| इसके अतिरिक्त प्रतिदिन बजरंग बाण का पाठ करने से भी लाभ होता है|

एक कागज का टुकड़ा लेकर उस पर अपने दुश्मन का नाम लिखें और इस मंत्र का जाप करें| मंत्र इस प्रकार है – “ ॐ क्षौं क्षौं भैरवाय स्वाहा’| इस कागज के टुकड़े को शहद की शीशी में भर दें और शनि मंदिर में जाकर गाढ़ दें| इस उपाय से दुश्मन को भयंकर नुकसान होता है|

मंगलवार या शनिवार के दिन दुश्मन के छुटकारा पाने के लिए उपाय इस प्रकार करें| इस दिन चिता की भस्म से एक कागज़ के टुकड़े पर दुश्मन का नाम लिखकर कागज़ को मकड़ी के जालें में लपेट लें| किसी सुनसान जगह पर पीपल पेड़ के नीचे एक हांड़ी में एक मुट्ठी चावल और साबुत काली उड़द के साथ इस कागज को डाल दें| अब एक नींबू लें और उस पर अपने दुश्मन का नाम लिखकर उसकी एक आकृति बना दें| अब इस मंत्र का उच्चारण करें –

ओम ह्रीम् ह्रीम् ह्रीम् विकट भैरवाय मम् शत्रू-न

नाशए नाशए त्रासय त्रासय तांडय तांडय ह्रीम् ह्रीम् ह्रीम् फट।

इस मंत्र का जाप करते हुए नींबू पर सिंदूर का छिड़काव भी करें| इसके बाद 3 लौंग एक-एक करके लें और 11-11 बार मंत्र का जाप करते हुए नींबू पर बनी दुश्मन की आकृति पर गाढ़ दें| दुश्मन के जिस भी अंग पर लौंग गाढ़ा जाएगा उसका वह अंग बीमारी से ग्रसित हो जायेगा|

ऐसा करने के बाद सारी वस्तुएं हांड़ी में डाल दें और पीपल के नीचे गड्ढे में इस हांड़ी को गाढ़ दें| इसके बाद चुपचाप घर आ जाएँ| घर आते समय पीछे मुड़कर न देखें|

अगर आपके दुश्मन ने आपका जीवन मुश्किल कर रखा है तो दुश्मन से छुटकारा पाने के लिए उपाय इस तरह से करें| इस उपाय को रविवार की रात को करें| इस रात दक्षिण दिशा की तरह मुख करके बैठ जाएँ और अपने सामने काली माँ की तस्वीर को काले वस्त्र पर लगायें|

अब माँ की पूजा पूरी करें और उसके बाद एक नींबू पर आपने शत्रु का नाम सिंदूर से लिखें| इसके बाद रुद्राक्ष की माला के साथ इस मंत्र का 11 माला जाप बार करें| मंत्र – क्रीं क्रीं शत्रु नाशिनी क्रीं क्रीं फट’| एक माला जाप पूरा होने पर नींबू पर उड़द की दाल डालें और माँ काली से दुश्मन के प्रभाव को समाप्त करने का आग्रह करें|

एक पुराना जूता लें और इसके तलवे पर अपने दुश्मन का नाम लिखें और उसे घर के किसी कोने में लटका दें| दुश्मन से छुटकारा पाने के लिए उपाय में ये उपाय आपके शत्रु को बर्बाद करने में काफी है|

दुश्मन से छुटकारा पाने या उसे वशीभूत करने के लिए ये उपाय ज़रूर करें| इसके लिए लाल चन्दन, कड़क सिंघी, इलायची, सिंदूर, छोटी इलायची और कंगनी लेकर धूप बना लें| रोज अपने दुश्मन का नाम लेकर इसे जलाएं| ऐसा करने से आपको दुश्मन से छुटकारा मिल जायेगा|

दुश्मन से छुटकारा पाने के लिए उपाय करते समय वैजयंती माला को धारण करना न भूलें| इसकी अद्भुत सम्मोहन शक्ति आपको शत्रु के बुरे प्रभाव से आपको बचाकर रखेगी|

जीवन में हम सभी चाहते हैं कि हमें अधिक से अधिक दोस्त मिलें और दुश्मन न मिले| लेकिन बहुत अधिक सावधानी रखने पर भी आपसे नफ़रत करने वाले लोग पैदा हो ही जाते हैं| अगर आप इनके बुरे और नकारात्मक प्रभाव से खुद को बचाना चाहते हैं तो दुश्मन से छुटकारा पाने के लिए उपाय ज़रूर आजमायें| ऐसा करने से न केवल आप अपनी सुरक्षा करेंगे बल्कि आपने परिवार को भी सुरक्षित रख सकेगें|

इस तरह के उपायों को करते समय यह सावधानी रखें कि किसी भी निर्दोष पर दुश्मन से छुटकारा पाने के लिए उपाय न करें|


Krishna Mantra For Love Marriage Success

Krishna Mantra For Love Marriage Success

Krishna Mantra For Love Marriage Success, Those familiar with Hindu mythology will know that there are several incarnations of God on Earth. It is explained that God, in particular, Lord Vishnu, took ten avatars.

Krishna Mantra For Love Marriage Success
Krishna Mantra For Love Marriage Success

Krishna is considered the last known incarnation. The last one, Kalki is yet to happen, if you believe mythology. Krishna avatar is predominantly spoken of for 2 things. One is the help He gave the Pandavas (virtue) win over the Kauravas (evil) in the Mahabharat battle and the other for delivering the Bhagwat Geetha on the battlefield.

But interestingly, Krishna’s birth and upbringing in the North Indian town of Mathura includes a substantial part of romance, in a divine sense.

The way He marries Rukmini and falls in love with Radha and His Rasleelas with the Gopis in Mathura are chronicled and told as stories over and over again. Krishan mantra for love marriage success has to be viewed in this background.

Krishna Mantra For Love Marriage Success

If you are in love and wish to marry the girl/boy you love, Lord Krishna can be your Saviour. For that to happen, you must recite the Krishan mantra for love marriage success.

There are different mantras suggested by various experts who have studied them. They have suggested them to men and women and those lovers have found success with them.

You too can benefit from the power of chanting mantras in order to seek God’s blessings and marrying the partner you have fallen in love with.

Why Should You Recite Mantras?

If you have never heard of these rituals before, you may want to know why do people perform them and how they work. In normal life, you visit temples and worship. You may pray God to bestow you with what you lack in life.

Many times, these prayers yield results; sometimes, they don’t as well. But where there are important situations in your life, like marriage where you will need divine intervention swiftly and decisively.

Moreover, whether it is love marriage or failure in business etc. there is a third element involved. The person you love has to reciprocate your love.

There may be others trying to stop or disturb the relationship. Similarly, in business, there may be a competitor scheming to harm your interests.

These are the occasions when you need the special mantras with a focus on the other individual and making your desire come true. This is how the prayers and mantras are done/performed. The Krishan mantra for love marriage success is also a method to succeed in love.

The Mantra to Succeed in Love Marriage

Depending on your family background, it may become a challenge to make all concerned agree to the marriage proposal.

If your partner also loves you, but insists that her/his parents must agree to the proposal, you have a difficulty. You can seek Lord Krishna’s help by reciting the Krishan mantra for love marriage success. One mantra is like this:

“Om KleemKrishnay Gopijan Vallabhay Swaha”

It’s a simple mantra; can be easily learnt even if you are not fluent in Hindi or Sanskrit. Experts suggest that you must say this mantra 108 times, in one go. In an ideal situation, you must do it in a particular prescribed manner to succeed with your objective.

Here are the steps you must take. The suggested day of the week is Friday. The best time could be either early in the morning or after dusk. If you live in a joint family environment where you may get disturbed while reciting the mantra, then choose a different place.

Ensure the place is absolutely clean and you must also be pure in body and mind. Have a bath or wash yourself thoroughly and wear fresh clothes. Since you have to sit down with your legs crossed, choose some loose-fitting ethnic wear.

Once seated, close your eyes. To bring focus, you can chant “On Sri GaneshayaNamah” three times before reciting the Krishan mantra for love marriage success as above 108 times.

Your full energy must be focused towards this and you can recite in a murmur. This means you don’t just leave it in your mind and don’t bring to your lips. At the same time, you are not expected to say it aloud, inviting attention of others.

After you have said 108 times, you can take a few seconds more to worship with folded hands and make your request in your own language that the love of your life should become your partner for life.

You can continue doing this for a few Fridays and you will see the results happening. These are momentous decisions and don’t happen so suddenly.

Alternative Mantra for Love Marriage

Among the many other mantras that get chanted to please Lord Krishna and seek His blessings to succeed in love and love marriage, there is another simple one “Om Bhagavate Shri GovindayaNamah”.

This Krishan mantra for love marriage success can be chanted everyday as part of your daily worship and prayers. In any case you will spend a few minutes after your bath to pray before you have your breakfast and leave for office or place of business.

At that time, you can utter this mantra 108 times and get benefited. Ensure you have a photograph or a small idol of Lord Krishna in your pooja.

By chanting the mantra in front of his image or idol will have immediate effect. Most of the other procedures like keeping the focus and not getting disturbed are applicable here too.

The Power of Mantra

If you follow this Krishan mantra for love marriage success and if you feel happy in life, do make it a point to suggest to your close friends also if they have similar difficulties in life. Krishna Mantra For Love Marriage Success Very few people, particularly among the younger generation are aware of the power of reciting mantras. They think it is old-fashioned and don’t have belief in them.

It is only when you experience them first-hand, you will be able to appreciate the real power of reciting mantras. You can keep your performing the ritual a secret.


Simple Vashikaran Mantra To Control Wife

Simple Vashikaran Mantra To Control Wife

Simple Vashikaran Mantra To Control Wife, Today i will provide you a Powerful Vashikaran Mantra to Control Wife. you can also use this mantra for Ex Wife or want Desired Beautiful Wife. it will increse Wife Love and called Wife Totke. you may use this mantra to Attracting Wife, Others Wife or Get Back Wife. now your wife in under your Control.

Married life is always throwing many questions about couples bonding in a relationship. Whether you are happy with your marriage life or not, at times you feel like everything is out of your reach.

Simple Vashikaran Mantra To Control Wife
Simple Vashikaran Mantra To Control Wife

Any marriage life cannot smoothly settle down without any clashes or argument between husband and wife. Due to the wrong conception or fail to understand husband desire expectation wives often goes beyond the control of their hubby.

The wife often left their husband alone and makes their husband and family in total disarray. Marriage is constituted with both couple desire wishes and expectation in life.

vashikaran mantra for controlling wife

But wife that do not care or not interested to keep continue the relationship with their hubby is found to cheated by their husband disrespect their value and questions their role or integrity in making a successful relation build up.

Therefore husband does have to perform simple vashikaran mantra to control wife and happily live their future life.

vashikaran mantra for wife –

The husband-wife relationship never continues to grow unless any one of them starts arguing or frequent fights for a small personal matter.

Selfless and mutual respects each other integrity and decision making makes both couples feel happy.

But sadly, these frequent allegations and blaming each other importance create a bad example to their kids or neighbors.

Frequent and constant find the loopholes all are making their love relationship goes worse and also they find each other dignity less intensify.

vashikaran mantra for wife back

So if you have these kinds of similar situations and your wife left you and is in her mother house then you can do simple vashikaran mantra to control wife.

Vashikaran mantra has great spiritual power and harness of flexibility which works incredibly to the urgent need of a husband.

vashikaran mantra to control wife-

Love relationship all is started when both couples agree to understand each other way of thinking in life. It might happen that you and your wives often argue with minor mater and wives might leave the home citing reasons of your inability to resolve the frequent clashes or error of judgment.

Love is the nicest and divine one for the couple but their love relationship often has misunderstood in the family matter or fails to come to a conclusion about negotiation. mantra to control wife is recommended for hubby who does not in favor of letting their wives stay in another house.

powerful vashikaran mantra for wife

With the help of vashikaran mantra, you are one step away from getting your wife back home. It has excellent spiritual power and perfect for those husbands that are against of separation or divorce.

The effective mantras of vashikaran have result based success in solving the indifference relation with husband and wife.

It will act and balance both personal as well private life and wife again will find true love and come back home with a happier mindset.

powerful vashikaran mantra to control wife-

Many wives can get feel disheartened by their hubby and forcefully leave husband alone. But this is not the right way to handle the crucial love relationship.

The negative influence or pessimist will not continue to affect your love relationship and instead of frequent argument husband can perform simple vashikaran mantra to control wife.

powerful vashikaran mantra to control wife

Wives are the perfect love finder and if any love hurdles do come in their way then they have to react positively and try to find a permanent solution rather than leaving their husband alone.

There are other mantras and tantras which are applicable and the husband can see a positive and encouraging result immediately. Allegation and blaming each other often creates a wrong and complicated husband wife relationship.

Performing this solitary and effective vashikaran mantra will definitely make wives to never argue with you again.

Simple vashikaran mantra to control wife-

Wives are the strength and support hand of their families. They are the one who manages to keep everything under control. They also keep on a close eye on their husband mindset and behavior. Sometimes, wives do demand a lot of things from their husband and if their hubby fails to do that then they start thinking or forcefully separate from their husband.

Relationships takes get complicated and love barrier or gap between their love relationship keep on existing. Many unpleasant things do happen if the wife insists on and demand more from their hubby. But to alter this, the husband can go for it and keep their existing bonding continue to settle .If you have full trust in Vedic mantras then these vashikaran mantras will work in favor of you.

Simple Vashikaran Mantra To Control Wife

A wife is a love partner and also supposed to a support hand of their hubby. But lately you find your wife is getting hyper, react everything like violent behavior, nagging nature these are a clear indication that your wife tends to either frustrate or is cheated badly by you.

If your family life and marital life needs to work well then use vashikaran to eliminate the high risk of further issues in the family. Vashikaran is simple and powerful mantras which solve many complicated love issues for couples. The world is moving fast and women empowerment is clearly dominating. Many times we as men often face hardship and women are the strong dominant stand in our society.It will certainly provide you the solution that you desperately searching for.

Simple vashikaran mantra to control wife-

When searching for a good and effective solution, you can trust vashikaran mantras. These spells of mantras will control wife arrogant and violent behavior, calm down her nerve and hyperness. Using vashikaran mantra you can also restrict wives negative intention and the mantras will help wives to remain separated with you for rest of the life.

Powerful Vashikaran Mantra To Control Wife

Husband and wife share the best relationship and strong bonding with each other. They find it difficult to manage life without each other. Getting married to a person who understands you and make everything easier for you is rare.

Marriage is a lifelong bond and you have to handle this bond carefully. If you are a very busy man and does not spend much time with your wife, then you may be get cheated by her.

Simple Vashikaran Mantra To Control Wife

If you are worried about the extra marital affair of your wife due to your absence, then you should better control her actions.

Some husbands really love their wives so much but sometimes they commit some mistakes and loss their wives.

If you are among such men who don’t pay much attention towards their wives, then you have to face bad consequences.

Powerful Vashikaran Mantra To Control Wife

You can stop it to happen by using the best trick. You can rely on the powerful vashikaran mantra to control wife.

find an expert Vashikaran Baba and get this powerful vashikaran mantra to control wife. Once you get the right mantra and right procedure to chant it, you will surely get the best results.

Powerful Vashikaran Mantra To Control Wife

Once you use this technique, you will never face any issue in your marriage. Your wife will better care of you and be with you in every bad and good phase of life. You can take over the thinking, mind and feelings of your wife by using powerful vashikaran mantra to control wife.

She will never have the thought of cheating on you or leave you. She will understand you and pay attention towards you. This powerful vashikaran mantra to control wife will surely work if you chant it in proper manner.

Vashikaran Mantra To Get Back Wife

Do you love your wife the most and some miscommunication and misunderstanding have made your marriage hell? Are you on the verge of divorce and your wife wants to get separated from you?

Have you committed some mistakes in married life that ruined your marriage? There may be so many reasons that made your wife took this decision of divorce or separation. If you are among such men who have lost their wives, then you have to try some ways to get her back.

Simple Vashikaran Mantra To Control Wife

You share a great and strong bond with your wife as she remain with you in good and bad both phases of life. She always tries to keep you happy and pays attention to you.

She means a whole world to you. If you have shared such bond with your wife and you too had a happy married life and some issues created problems in your marriage then you can try vashikaran mantra to get back wife.

Vashikaran Mantra To Get Back Wife

Getting your wife back to your life is your right and if you love your wife and care for her, then using this vashikaran mantra to get back wife can be the better way.

Nothing is wrong in using vashikaran mantra to get back wife as this is something that you should look for. Everything is fair when it comes to save a marriage. You need to consult with a vashikaran specialist and get the right vashikaran mantra to get back wife.

Vashikaran Mantra To Get Back Wife

You need to chant this vashikaran mantra to get back wife 21 times in a day and do it for 21 days. It will surely control the thinking and feeling of your wife and she will think about you and the good time she spent with you.

Vashikaran Mantra To Attract Wife

I love my wife but I could not spend much time with her. We have been living together for more than 3 years and now she is tired of me.

She does not care about me and don’t ask me to go out for shopping, dinner or hang out. I know I am not as romantic and smart guy as she wants. I am an introvert and can’t express my love or feeling to her.

Vashikaran Mantra To Attract Wife

We have no strong bond and now I think she does not like me anymore. As I am not a smart guy so I am worried about my married life. My wife may be attracted towards the person who is better than me.

I am not sure but it can be possible as you never know. I am worried about my wife and her changing behavior and attitude towards me. We don’t talk much and I don’t know how to deal with this issue.

Vashikaran Mantra To Attract Wife

If you are insecure and you think that your wife may get attracted towards the guy better than you, then you should better try some tricks to make her attracted only towards you.

What if she starts loving you and getting attracted towards you? This may sound impossible but you may try it. Astrological and vashikaran solutions really work. You can try vashikaran mantra to attract wife as this is the ultimate technique of attraction or taking someone under your influence.

Vashikaran Mantra To Attract Wife

Once you start chanting this vashikaran mantra to attract wife successfully, you will experience the positive outcomes. Your wife will start showing interest in you and she will get attracted towards you. The flower of love will blossom once again and you will have a happy and content married life.

Vashikaran Mantra For Others Wife

Do you love someone else’s wife and now you can’t go without her? Do you love your best friend’s or cousin’s wife and you are finding it hard to get her attention? Have you stuck somewhere you do not belong to? If yes, then you should be very careful.

If you are not able to manage this issue and you have fallen in love with someone else’s wife, then things are going to be very complicated. There are so many people who have been facing this issue.

Vashikaran Mantra For Others Wife

They fall in love once again after marriage and some people think it as a sin. Some men understand this fact and they start compromising with the circumstances while others find it difficult to forget their love for others wife.

If you are in love and can’t imagine life without her but she is already married to someone else, then you have to make up your mind and prepare it for the chances of rejections by the married lady.

Vashikaran Mantra For Others Wife

But if you can’t do so as you have already tried so many ways that did not work, then you have to try vashikaran technique. This is the best way to take her under your influence.

You should find the right vashikaran specialist so that you can get right vashikaran mantra for others wife. You have to chant this vashikaran mantra for others wife in precise manner so that you can get the desired results.

Vashikaran Mantra For Others Wife

Once you do it successfully, you can find your love. The girl will get attracted towards you and start loving you. The things will surely work and all circumstances will be in your favor. You must only try this technique only if you love the married lady genuinely.

Kamdev Vashikaran Mantra For Wife

If you love your wife but she does not care about your feelings then it is sad for you. Marriage is a very beautiful bond that keeps husband and wife together in each good and bad phase of life. .

Both husband and wife put their equal efforts in making the marriage successful. If you have been putting your best efforts but your wife is not doing so, then there is something wrong in this relationship.

Kamdev Vashikaran Mantra For Wife

Most of the men find their wives lost interest in them and they stop paying attention towards them. If you have faced the changed behavior and attitude of your wife and now you are worried about your married life, then you should try something magical that can turn everything positive in between you and your wife.

You have to make efforts to get your wife attracted towards you. Things can be handled and managed by using astrological and vashikaran techniques.

Kamdev Vashikaran Mantra For Wife

You need to find out an expert vashikaran Baba so that you can get right kamdev vashikaran mantra for wife and chant it under his guidance. You have to make God Kamdev happy with your prayer and mantra chanting. Once you make him happy, you will fill your life with joy and happiness.

This kamdev vashikaran mantra for wife can turn your married life into heaven and you will see the magical results. Your wife will take better care of you and get attracted towards you without any issue. The marriage issues will be sorted out automatically and you both will live happily.

Kamdev Vashikaran Mantra For Wife

This kamdev vashikaran mantra for wife is simple to use and you can chant this mantra multiple times in a day but you have to follow the right procedure to make it successful and effective.

Mantra For Attracting Wife

If you really feel that your wife does not pay attention towards you and she is busy in her own life, then you should do something to attract her attention.

There are so many couples where both man and woman are working. In this scenario, they find it hard to spend time with each other. Sometimes competition and compatibility factors become the issue.

Mantra For Attracting Wife

If your wife earns more than you and she is intelligent than you, then this insecurity of losing her is obvious. She has all the qualities that a man wants from her wife or a woman.

If you are scared of losing your wife, then you should look for some options that become helpful and make your wife fallen in love with you only.

Mantra For Attracting Wife

Sometimes there is no love among the married couples and lack of emotions and love feeling make a marriage boring. If you are among such husbands who has been dealing with the fear of getting your wife attracted towards the man or someone else better than you, then this is very bad phase of your life.

A husband should have her wife around when he needs her. Your wife may get diverted towards someone better than you but you can stop it and make your wife attracted towards you and your personality.

Mantra For Attracting Wife

No doubt, you may be an average man with average looks and smartness but still you can try an effective mantra for attracting wife. You need to get this mantra from the specialist and you can use it without any guilt.

Making your wife fall in love with you is completely okay. Using this mantra for attracting wife for a genuine cause is not wrong so go for mantra for attracting wife.

Wife Vashikaran Totke

I have been living with my wife for so many years and now she has become very violent. She keeps fighting with me and throws words on my mouth.

keeps hurting me and now love is completely lost from our married life. She does not pay attention towards me and now she has left making delicious dishes for me.

Wife Vashikaran Totke

We had a wonderful married life but now it seems she does not like me anymore and she does not want to spend her rest of life with me. She never listens to me. I wonder if she has extra marital affair.

Does not she like someone else? Is she planning divorce? Has she attracted towards the man better than me? If these questions are hitting your life, then stop over thinking. You just need to solve the matter and get your wife attracted towards you.

Wife Vashikaran Totke

Vashikaran is the best technique to control someone. You can use wife vashikaran totke genuinely to get your wife attracted only towards you and think about you.

There are so many people who have used wife vashikaran totke and got the magical results. You can also use these wife vashikaran totke and keep your wife in your life only. You can also control her feelings, thinking and emotions for you using wife vashikaran totke.

Wife Vashikaran Totke

If you find an experts who can provide you the best wife vashikaran totke and right procedure to perform them then you will surely get your wife back to you and she will be forever with you.

This technique is not easy to work on so better be careful while performing wife vashikaran totke as you need your wife and it needs efforts, so go for wife vashikaran totke and see the magical results within few days.

Mantra For Wife Love

I love my wife so much but I don’t think that my wife loves me. We got married last year but we are not as friendly as we should be. We don’t share good time together and I think she does not like me.

There may be so many reasons of this marriage. May be I am not the desired person she wanted to get married or May be I am the choice of her parents rather than her. Things have become so much complicated in this marriage and I don’t have clue how to make her fall in love with me.

Mantra For Wife Love

I tried talking to her about this matter but I could not gather the courage to do so. I know she is loyal to me and I can’t raise finger on her but I want to make her happy and loved. She is too beautiful and takes better care of me.

Is there any way to make her fall in love with me automatically? Can the things be resolved without talking to her or hurting anyone? How can I know what bothers her? These are some questions that bother me and I keep thinking about the ways that help get my wife attracted towards me.

Mantra For Wife Love

If you are really looking for safe and effective technique then you should look for mantra for wife love. You can use some Vashikaran techniques that will never fail. This method can be used for so many purposes.

Getting wife’s love is genuine and you are making efforts for it. You are allowed to use mantra for wife love and nothing wrong in it. You will surely see the magical results and your wife will get attracted towards you and eventually she will fall in love with you.

Mantra For Desired Beautiful Wife

I want to get married to the lady of my dreams and she must have all the qualities that I dream about. My wife should be beautiful and lively. I want to get married to the desired lady but I am not getting such proposal.

Though I am an average guy but I am smart and I deserve the desired beautiful wife. My parents don’t understand my preferences and not even I am getting any such proposal.

Mantra For Desired Beautiful Wife

I am worried about my marriage as I don’t want to get married to the woman whom I don’t like. don’t want to compromise at any point when it comes to choose life partner.

understand that marriage is a great bond and I have to put my best efforts to keep harmony in it. A beautiful wife is the dream of every man and so I dream about.

Mantra For Desired Beautiful Wife

I have been trying for past 3 years but my all efforts got futile. Neither I am getting any girl nor my parents nor does it drive me crazy. What to do and how to make it possible to get married to the desired girl.

If you are looking for an ultimate and effective trick, then look no further than mantra for desired beautiful wife. Nothing can be better and effective than this trick.

Mantra For Desired Beautiful Wife

You have to get the right expert to get the precise mantra for desired beautiful wife and right manner to chant it. You have to chant this mantra for desired beautiful wife as per the guidance and instruction of Vashikaran specialist.

This mantra will attract the positive energy and force of this universe and make your wish fulfilled with your efforts. You just need to rely on the power of mantra for desired beautiful wife.

Mantra For Ex Wife

I am a divorced man and I got separated with my wife 2 years ago. Things were very much normal and everything was perfect. I fell in love with someone else and things got changed. Our married life got ruined and so me.

My extra marital affair becomes the main cause of our separation. I cheated on my wife for someone else but now I have come to know the truth and realized the worth of my ex wife. She loved me conditionally and now I want her back in my life.

Mantra For Ex Wife

I know I hurt her so many times and now I don’t deserve her attention, care and love but still I have feelings for her. Can I get her back? Can I have the same love and care from her? Is it possible to make her fall in love with me once again? Is there any way to make her attracted towards me once again?

Most of the divorced men miss their ex wives when they come to know their worth. If you are amo ng such men and things are bothering you, then you can try mantra for ex wife.

Mantra For Ex Wife

You can chant this mantra as per the instructions and you will surely get results. This mantra has the power to take your ex wife under your influence and control her feelings, emotions, actions and thinking. You can control her mind and make her think only about the good times you had together.

Mantra For Ex Wife

She will surely start missing and loving you once again and want to get you back in her life. This mantra for ex wife can change your life in positive way and you should try it without any doubt. You can have a better life with your ex wife with the help of mantra for ex wife.


pati ko apne kabu mein kaise Kare

Pati ko Apne kabu Mein kaise kare | पति को अपने काबू में कैसे करे

Pati ko Apne kabu Mein kaise kare/पति को अपने काबू में कैसे करे  :- जैसा की आप  सभी जानते ही है कि आजकल की दुनिया में घरेलु झगडे कितने आम होते है क्योंकि जो लोग शादी के बंधन में बांध जाते है तो शादी होने के बाद या  रिश्ता होने के बाद उनके बीच झगडे होना लाज़मी है तो यदि आपका पति आपकी बात नहीं सुनता /बात नही मानता है  तो जाने कि किस तरह से आप अपने pati ko apne kabu mein kaise Kare/पति को अपने काबू में कैसे करे  उनकी बातो को कैसे ध्यान में रखेगी |

वैसे तो हम सभी जानते है कि आजकल औरते अक्सर केवल इसी वजह से परेशान रहती है क्योंकि उनका पति शराब ज्यादा पिता है इस वजह से उनकी किसी बात का ख्याल नहीं रखता और नहीं कोई बात सुनता तो आप हमारे पंडित जी की मदद से आप अपने पति को अपने काबू में कैसे करे /Pati ko Apne kabu Mein kaise kare ये जान सकती है

Husband ko vashikaran se vash Mein kaise karein | हस्बैंड  को  वशीकरण  से  वश  में  कैसे  करें | pati ko apne kabu mein kaise Kare

Husband ko vashikaran se vash mein kaise karein/हस्बैंड  को  वशीकरण  से  वश  में  कैसे  करें  :-स्त्रियां अगर चंचल स्वभाव की होती हैं, तो पुरुष के मन की चंचलता भी कुछ कम तीब्रता लिए नहीं होती। वो दूसरी औरत की जगह जल्दी आकर्षित होते है । स्त्रियों का अप्रतीम सौंदर्य, भाव-भंगिमाएं और लुभावनी आदाएं पुरुषों को एक झलक में ही साम्मोहित करने के लिए काफी होती हंै।

कामुकता को दर्शाने वाला ग्लैमर पुरुषों में क्षणभर के लिए ही सही यौनाकर्षण की भावना भी तुरंत आ जाती है। संभवतः यही सामान्य बात है कि पुरुष अपनी विवाहिता को छोड़कर किसी दूसरी स्त्री के प्रति बहुत जल्द आकर्षित हो जाता है।आईए जानते हैं Husband vashikaran se vash mein kaise karein/हस्बैंड  को  वशीकरण  से  वश  में  कैसे  करें/or pati ko apne kabu mein kaise Kare उसके लिए कुछ उपयोगी मंत्र और उनके प्रयोग जिनके सही इस्तेमाल से पुरुष अर्थात पति या प्रेमी को वश में किया जा सकता है।  पति को वश मे करने के उपाय या टोटके इस प्रकार हैंः-

Husband ko vashikaran se vash mein kaise karein/हस्बैंड  को  वशीकरण  से  वश  में  कैसे  करें :-

husband ko vashikaran se vash me karne ke liye /or pati ko apne kabu mein kaise Kare पति को वश में करने के लिए दिया गया मंत्र काफी उपयोगी साबित हो सकता है। मंत्र हैः- नमो महायक्षिण्यै मम पतिं भे मम वश्यं कुरु कुरु स्वाहा। इस मंत्र को किसी पर्व काल अर्थात शुभ घड़ी में एक हजार बार जाप कर सिद्ध करने के बाद सामान्य विधि-विधान से अपने अराध्य देव की पूजा-अर्चना के साथ प्रयोग में लाया जाता है।

इनके प्रयोग से पति दूसरी औरत की ओर आकर्षित नहीं होता है। इस मंत्र के प्रयोग करने के दौरान महायक्षिण्यै शब्द के बाद उस औरत का नाम लेना होता है, जिसके प्रति उसके पति का आकर्षण बना हुआ है।

Pati ko Apne vash mein karne ka Tarika/ Totka /Upay/पति  को  अपने  वश  में  करने  का  तरीका  टोटका  उपाय | pati ko apne kabu mein kaise Kare Totke Upay Or Tarike Se

Pati ko Apne vash mein karne ka Tarika/ Totka /Upay/पति  को  अपने  वश  में  करने  का  तरीका  टोटका  उपाय/pati ko apne kabu mein kaise Kare tarike /upay/totke se  :-Yadi aap pati se pareshan ka rah hai. Aur aap apne pati ko apne vash me krna chahtei hai. To jyada fikar karne ki aapko jarurat nahi hai. Iske liye aap humare pandit ji  se sampark kar sakte hai ki pati ko vash mein kaise kare.

Hum jante hai ki bahut se samay me pati apki baato ko nahi sunte hai or hamesha apke dil parkodukhta rehta so iske liye ab aap chen ki nind bhi nhi so sakte hai kyonki hum ab aapki sari samsyao ka samadhan kar sakte hai. Yadi apko apne pati ka pyar nahi mil pa raha hai or wo hamesha.

Der rat ko ghar par aate hai jiske karan aap bhut preshaan rhati hai or aapko dimagi samasyha or tanav rahta hai to Aap humare pandit ji se  sampark kar ke pati ko apne vash me karne ka tarika/upay/ totka apna sakte hai ya pati ko apne kabu mein kaise Kare ye bhi jaan skti hai.

Kya aap pati ko vash me karne ka tarika vidhi janana chahti hai? To aap Humare Pandit ji se pati ko apne vash me karne ka tarika or pati ko apne kabu mein kaise Kare ka tarika bhi  jaan skti hai bs ek call karne par aapki sabhi samsya ka smadhaan ho jayega.

Apne pati ko vash me karne ka mantra chahti hai?

Apne pati ko vash me karne ka totka pana chahti hai?To bhi aap Jaan skti hai bas ek call me

pati ko vash karne ke upay ke bare me soch rhi hai to aap humare pandit ji ki madad se pati ko apne vash me karne ka upay bhi paa skti hai

Aur Yadi apko Apne pati ke dwara kisi bhi Trash ki samasya ya preshani  hai ya pati ko apne kabu mein kaise Kare ye janna chati hai to  befikar hoker app hamare vashikaran mantra husband ke dawara Aap apne pati ko vash me kar skti or pati ko apne kabu mein kaise Kare yebhi jaan skti hai aur apne shadi shuda jivan me khusiya laa sakti hai.Aur Apne Jivan Ko Khushaal Bna skti hai..

Husband’s wife Problem  solution / Husband wife ki Problem ka Solution kaise Kare  | pati ko apne kabu mein kaise Kare 

Husband’s wife Problem Husband’s solution / Husband wife ki Problem ka Solution kaise Kare/ pati ko apne kabu mein kaise Kare :- Husband-wife is a beautiful relationship. This relationship depends on faith, trust and love. When two individuals decide to marry, they devote their entire lives to each other with hopes and couples see the whole world in their eyes as a couple.

In spite of too much faith and dedication, however, many problems occur in a marriage that stays for a longer time, consequent of this either the couple gets over the problems or both parties will overcome the problems. If you are going through this situation and looking for Husband  wife problem solution/husband wife problem ka solution kaise kare.

Then you need to take the help of the love vashikaran astrologer. Acharya ji will provide apt remedies by which everything will work optimally. So if you Looking the Husband wife problem solution. And husband wife ki problem ka solution kaise kare. Then come to us our pandit ji solve all kind of husband-wife issues.

Husband Wife Dispute Problem pandit ji/ Husband Wife Dispute ka /solution karne wale pandit ji | pati ko apne kabu mein kaise Kare pandit ji ke dwara

Husband Wife Dispute Problem pandit ji/ Husband Wife Dispute ka /solution karne wale pandit ji:-, Husband’s wife relationship is based on faith, respect and love for each other. Couples tend to forget the promises they made to each other during their wedding. The obstacles we have discussed destroy a married life. Each of these problems is capable of ruining the mutual relationship. Husband wife Dispute problem Pandit ji/ Husband wife Dispute Ka Solution Karne wale Pandit ji. And Look for astrological support for the solution of the problem of wife husband’s dispute. Astrology has solutions to these problems in the form of How to do Vashikaran at Home.

Husband Wife Dispute ka solution karne wale baba ji/Husband wife dispute problem solution baba ji | pati ko apne kabu mein kaise Kare baba ji ke dwara

Husband WIfe Dispute ka solution karne wale baba ji/Husband wife dispute problem solution baba ji/pati ko apne kabu mein kaise Kare baba ji ke dwara :-The marriage of love consists in defining the many aspects due to their diversity. In the current era love is easy to do. But the problem occurs in the marriage of love. That time wife wife relationship problem solution guru Ji / husband wife dispute problem solution baba ji / husband wife dispute ka solution. Karnee wale baba ji by astrology is for their help and makes it easy.

After his marriage of love in the beginning he sees the dream of joy and life of pleasure. And makes so many promises for life. But after some time the problem begins with the small topic and take the broad spectrum. There are many reasons behind the disputes after marriage such as financial disputes. Wife love problem, childless problem, love husband problem. And thesis problem destroy your life before you reach the destination.

To overcome all this problem you can take the problem solving tips. From the Husband wife dispute problem solution baba ji/ husband wife dispute ka solution. Karne wale baba ji or pati ko apne kabu mein kaise Kare. If you want to get the solution. For the Husband Wife problem solution byastrology, then this is the best place where you shoule be.

Pati patni ki Anban ko kaise Dur karein/Husband wife ki Duriyo ko Mitnae ka tarika | pati ko apne kabu mein kaise Kare 

Pati patni ki anban ko kaise dur karein/Husband wife ki duriyo ko mitnae ka tarika /pati ko apne kabu mein kaise Kare:-“kin Karno Se Pati Patni me anban hoti Hai ” ya husband wife ki duriya badti hai. To aap chahte hai pati patni ki anban ko kaise dur kare  ya husband wife ki duriyo ko mitaye. To Aapne kayi jagah suna hoga ya dekh hoga ki pati patni me ladayi aam baat hai. Aur kai baar to baat divorce tak punch jati hai. But baat divorce ki ho to ye matter serious ho jata hai.

Asal me anban hote kue hai?ya duriya badti kyu hai anban or duriya hone ke kayi reason ho sakte hai. Ho sakta hai aapki aapas me banti na ho, ho sakta hai ki aapka partner aapko cheat kar raha ho. Ho sakta hai ki aap apne partner ki wajah se kayi time se depression me ho. Or ye bhi ho sakta hai ki aapka partner buri aadato ka sikaar ho ya koi or bhi vajah ho skti hai. Esi kayi wajahe samane  jab aati hai to anban or duriya bad jati hai.

In addition

Agar dekha jaye to aaj kal ke time me sabhi ne shaadi ko ek majak samajh ke rakha hua hai. Jab chahe shaadi kar li aur jab chaha anban kar li aur isse rishte me duriya aana sabavik baat hai. Pati patni ke ristey me aapko bahut si baato ka dhyan rakhna padta hai. Compromise karne  se hi aapki relationship ya shadi  lambe time tak chal sakti hai.

Agar aap dono ye sochte hai ki aapka rista  aap dono ke anban se tuta hai to aap galat hai. Ese bahut se karan hai jis wajah se anban hote hai or duriya badti hai. Sabse phle to aapko apne beech pyar paida karna hoga aur use paida karne ke liye. Choti choti baat par anban karna band karna hoga. Kyuki taai do haatho se bajti hai ek se kabihi bhi nhi to rishta tutne ya anban hone ki vajah. Ek insaan nhi ho skta dono ki vajah se hi anban hoti hai

hum ek dusre ko anban ya duriya ka karan nhi maan skte hai aur agar aap chahte hai. Ki patio patni ki anban ko kaise dur karein. Ya husband wife ki duriyo ko kaise mitaye or pati ko apne kabu mein kaise Kare. To aap  humare pandit ji ki madad se apni anban pyar me badal skte hai. Uske liye aapko humare pandit ji se sampark karna hoga..

Husband ka mohini vashikaran kaise karein | पति   का  मोहिनी  वशीकरण  कैसे  करें | pati ko apne kabu mein kaise Kare Mohini Vashikaran Se

Husband ka Mohini vashikaran kaise karein/पति   का  मोहिनी  वशीकरण  कैसे  करें/ pati ko apne kabu mein kaise Kare Mohini Vashikaran se  :-om namo aadesh guru ka | mohini mohini kaha chali | bahar khudai kaam kan chali | falami falane ko dekh jare mare | mere ko dekhkar payan pade | chhu mantra kaya, aadesh , guru ki shakti, meri bhakti, furo mantro ishwaro wzcha,

However, Husband ka mohini vashikaran kaise karein | पति   का  मोहिनी  वशीकरण  कैसे  करें ki vidhi or pati ko apne kabu mein kaise Kare

Kisi bhi shub muhurath me is mantra ka aashan par bina hile dule. Rudraksh mala se 11 mala mantra jup kijiye aur mantra jaap ke bad 108 bar mantra bolte. Huye sarso ke tel se hawan me aahuti dijiye. Hawan me purn aahuti ke baad nimbu ki bali mantra bolkar dena hai. Aur thoda sa usi nimboo ka rus nichod kar dal lijiye yaha mantra siddhi purn ho jata hai.

Disha pashicham, vastra laal rang ke uchit hai,mantra siddhi ke bad 5 parkar ke jadi. Buti ka powder banaana hai. Aur usi par 108 bar mantra bol kar 3 funk maare. Fir jisko bhi khane me denge vah aapke vash me ho jayega. Yah kriya aap apne liye bhi kar sakte hai. Aur kisi aur vyakti ke liye bhi kar sakte hai, ye jadi buti pansari ki dukan me milta hai jo nimna parkar hai..

How to solve husband wife problem because of sister in law

How to solve husband wife problem because of sister in law :-Many women find it difficult to deal with their sisters-in-law. This is a delicate and problematic area. Sisters of the same age can easily become friends. Meanwhile, they can also be dominant, jealous, insecure, dominating because there is a lot of struggle for the power involved. Fighting for the attention of one man can easily make women the bitterest of enemies.

How to solve husband wife problem because of mother in law

How to solve husband wife problem because of mother in law:-If your mother-in-law repeatedly hurts you either physically or emotionally. However, it can permanently damage your marriage. Here are some ways to deal with her that can protect yourself, your family and your future.

Detach yourself emotionally.

Understand the common problems

Distance yourself physically.

Remember that it’s highly unlikely that she’ll change.

Recognize and avoid the triggers.

How to get husband full Attraction towards You

How to get husband full Attraction Towards You :- How to attract my husband is the most frequent question asked by a lot of women. Out there who wants to save their marriage from shipwreck. Attraction is an essential component of a marriage or long-term relationship. Marriages last longer and are more satisfying when the spouses are attracted to each other. The most important reason to be attractive is so that we can feel good about ourselves.

The second most important reason is to please the one we love. Your husband might start rejecting you or feeling distant and you begin to wonder. If he really wants to stay married or not. Constant thoughts about him can put a toll on his mental health. When your husband’s attraction is fading. The first thing you have to do is think about how you can attract your husband sexually.

Without a shadow of a doubt, sex is one of the most important ingredients. That keeps a majority of marriages from falling apart. It is one of the proven ways to communicate love and affection for each other. If you have the problem how to get husband full attraction towards you. Then come to us our Love Vashikaran Specialist pandit ji who will give you Spell to force an ex to come back and love you or full attraction towards you.

How to get back spark of your Husband towards you

How to get back spark of your husband towards you :- Over the years, we have seen hundreds of marriages suffering and falling apart. Due to busy schedules, children and simple familiarity. (If familiarity does not engender scorn, we can tell you that it definitely engenders a dead relationship.) But that does not mean that the spark in you in your marriage is dead!

What it means is that you are going to have to work on relighting your fire. And jumpstarting your motor from the union. We believe it is possible to How to get back spark of your husband towards you. And get that spark back into your relationship, and fall in love with everyone else again. And here are five ideas to help you do it.

How to get back spark of your husband towards you

Be attentive to each other

Flirt with each other

Dates of the plan

Surprise yourself

Husband ko saas se kaise dur karein | पति  को  सास  से  कैसे  दूर  करें

Husband ko saas se kaise dur karein/ पति  को  सास  से  कैसे  दूर  करें :-सास और बहू का झगड़ा आज हर घर में आम बात हो गई है। आज के दौर में ऐसा घर बड़ी मुश्किल से मिलेगा जहाँ पर सास बहू का झगड़ा न हो।

कई बार ये झगड़ा इतना बढ़ जाता है कि दोनों साथ-साथ नहीं रहना चाहतीं और ये क्षण सबसे कठिन होते है।. और हर बहु सोचती है की हस्बैंड को सास से कैसे दूर रखे or pati ko apne kabu mein kaise Kare. मात्र कुछ उपायों आप अपनी सास  को अपने पति से दूर रख सकती है और ये करने से अपनी सास  को अपने पति से दूर रख सकती ह

ै सास  का वशीकरण करके आप अपनीसास को अपने पति से दूर रख सकती है. और फिर पति आपकी बात ज्यादा सुनेगा आइए जानें उन उपायों को।. सास का वशीकरण करने के लिए वशीकरण के क्षेत्र में एक मंत्र प्रचलित है जो है. ‘‘अमे ज़ाला मिलेल फले तत्र प्रवेशा’’। इस मंत्र का जाप करने से आपकी सास वश में होकर लड़ाई-झगड़े बन्द कर देंगी।

इस मंत्र का जाप प्रति दिन पहले और तीसरे प्रहर में करें और 21 दिन तक नियमित करें।. मंत्र स्नान आदि करने के बाद ही करें। इससे से आप Husband ko saas se kaise dur karein/. पति  को  सास  से  कैसे  दूर  करें  में कामयाब हो सकती है or apne pati ko apne kabu mein kaise Kare ye bhi jaan skti hai humare pandit ji se.

Husband ko dusri aurat se kaise dur karein or pati ko apne kabu mein kaise Kare/पति  को  दूसरी  औरत  से कैसे  दूर  करें 

Husband ko dusri aurat se kaise dur karein /पति  को  दूसरी  औरत  से कैसे  दूर  करें /pati ko apne kabu mein kaise Kare:-Aaj kal har ladke ya purash ke nature me itni chanchlata hoti hai. Ki jaise hi koi kubsurat ladki ya aurat dikhti hai uski taraf attract ho jate hai. Or ladke ya purush uski taraf kichte chale jaate hai. Ye har purush ke nature me hota hai kuch hi aise ladke hoge jinke nature me ye nhi hoga. Baaki aajkal sabhi ladko ke nature me ye baat hoti hai. Lekin shadi ke baad agar ye hota hai to pati patni ke beech jhgde ka karan ban jata hai.

jis tarh har pati / husband chahte hai ki unki patni kisi aur se baat na kare. Ya kisi aur se sambandh na rakhe usi tarah patni ya wives bhi chahti hai. Ki pati bhi aisa na kare agar aapko lagta hai. Ki aapka pati kisi dusri aurat ya ladki ke chungal me fass gya hai. Aur aap chanti hai ki husband ko dusri aurat se kaise dur karein/ पति  को  दूसरी  औरत  से कैसे  दूर  करें. To aap Humare pandit ji dwara btaye is upay ko kar kar. Aap apne husband ko dusri aurat se chudd wa skti hai. Ya dur kar skti hai to aapko sunday ke din.


Baathroom me gugal ki dhup ki dhuni deni hogi. Lekin dhuni dene se phle us aurat ya ladki ka naam le jiske chakar me aapka pati ja chuka hai. Aur aapke pati ne aapko bhula diya hai aur ye kaam aapko pure vishvaas ke saath karna hai.

To jalad hi Husband ko dusri aurat sekaise dur karein /पति  को  दूसरी  औरत  से कैसे  दूर  करें. Or pati ko apne kabu mein kaise Kare. Isse jalad hi aapka pati aapke paas wapis aa jayega. Aur aapse pyar bhi karne lagega is upay ko aap 4 sunday tak jarur kare. Yadi phir bhi aapko koi bhi preshani hai. To aap humare pandit ji se contact kar skti hai humare website me diye number par.

Photo Se Vashikaran

Photo Se Vashikaran | फोटो  से  वशीकरण | Vashikaran By Photo

The very easy way, Photo Se Vashikaran/फोटो  से  वशीकरण/Vashikaran by Photo :-  Vashikaran ek aisi vidhi hai jisse hum kisi par bhi vashikaran karke. Usko apne kabu me kar skte hai. Vaise to bhut se tarike hote hai vashikaran karne ke par sabse aasan tarika photo se vashikaran karna  hota hai..Photo Se Vashikaran Karna  sabse saral Hota Hai.

Isme kewal aapko uski photo ki jarurat hoti hai jis par bhi aap vashikaran karna chahte hai. Or photo se vashikaran karna bhut hi saral. Or bhut upyogi bhi hota hai bas photo se vashikaran karne ke liye. Aapko humnare pandit ji uski photo deni hoti hai. Jis par bhi aap vashikaran karna chahte hai. Baki Kaam Humare Pandit Ji Ke Dwara Kiya Jata hai. Or Kuch Dino k baad aap khud hi asar dekhne lagege..

Photo se Boyfriend | Husband | Premi Ka Vashikaran | फोटो  से  बॉयफ्रेंड  | हस्बैंड |पति  | प्रेमी  का  वशीकरण | Vashikaran By Photo on Boyfriend | Husband| Premi

Know about Photo se Boyfriend/Husband/premi Ka Vashikaran/Premi Ka Vashikaran | फोटो  से  बॉयफ्रेंड  / हस्बैंड /पति  /प्रेमी  का  वशीकरण/ Vashikaran By Photo on Boyfriend/ Husband/ Premi :-  Aapko Agar Apne Boyfriend/husband/premi ko Vash me Karna hai TO unka Koi Acha Photo Bhut Jaruru Hai.

Agar aapka boyfriend/husband/premi aapse bhut dur bhi rhta hai. To bhi photo se boyfriend ka vashikaran phir bhi kaam karega. Photo se Boyfriend Ka vashikaran karke aap apne Khoye ya Ruthe Boyfriend Ko apne Paas wapis Pa skte Hai. Photo Se Boyfriend/husband/premi Ka Vashikaran /Vashikaran By Photo On Boyfriend.

Bhut hi sahi Tarika Hota hai Aap Is Vashikaran se Apne Boyfriend/husband/premi Ko apne Kaabu Me kar skte Hai or agar aap apne boyfriend/husband/premi ko apna bnana chahte hai to bhi aap photo se boyfriend/husband/premi ka vashikaran karke apne pyar ko apna bna skte hai..

Photo Se Patni | Wife | Girlfriend | Premika Ka Vashikaran | फोटो  से  पत्नी |गर्लफ्रेंड | प्रेमिका  का  वशीकरण  | Vashikaran By Photo On Girlfriend |Wife | Patni | Premika

Now easily do Photo Se Patni/Girlfriend/Premika Ka Vashikaran/फोटो  से  पत्नी /वाइफ /गर्लफ्रेंड /प्रेमिका  का  वशीकरण/vashikaran by photo on girlfriend/wife/patni/premika : – Photo Se Vashikaran Ki Vidhi se Aap Aapni ruthi hui patni /girlfriend/premika ko mnane ke liye istmaal kar skte hai. Kzai baar aisa hot hai aapki patni aapko chod kar apne ghar chali jati hai. Kisi misunderstanding ki vajah se. Iske liye aapko apni patni ko vash me karne ke liye. Photo se patni ka vashikaran ka tarika istmaa kar skte hai.

Photo se patni ka vashikaran karke aap apni ruthi hui patni/wife ko wapis pa skte hai. Or wo aapke vash me bhi rhegi photo se patni ka vashikaran ka tarika apna kar. Aur Boyfriend ke liye yadi aapki girlfriend ya premika aapko chod kar kisi. Or dusre ladke me interest lene lag gai hai.

Aapki taraf dhyan nhi de rhi hai ya kisi or vajah se aapko chod kar chali gyi hai. Or aap use wapis pana chahte hai to photo se premika ka vashikaran. Ya photo se girlfriend ka vashikaran ka tarika use karke. Aap apni girlfriend ya premika ko apni jindhgi me wapis pa skte hai..

Vashikaran By Photo in Hindi| Photo Se Vashikaran Hindi Me / फोटो  से  वशीकरण  हिंदी  में

Photo Se Vashikaran Hindi Me / फोटो  से  वशीकरण  हिंदी  में/Vashikaran By Photo in Hindi   :-फोटो  से  वशीकरण  हिंदी  में  यदि आप किसी को अपने वश में करना चाहते है. तो उसके लिए उसकी फोटो और उसका नाम बहुत जरूरी होता है जिसको भी आप अपने वश में करना चाहते है.

उसके बिना पास जाये आप उसको अपने वश में कर सकते है वो भी फोटो से वशीकरण  कर के इस वशीकरण से आप अपने पति पत्नी को गर्लफ्रेंड बॉयफ्रेंड प्रेमी प्रेमिका को अपने वश में कर सकते है और उनका प्यार प् सकते है और उन्हें अपने वश में कर सकते है फोटो से वशीकरण करने के लिए आपको उस इंसान जिस पर भी आप वशीकरण करना चाहते है उसके नाम के साथ कुछ मंत्रो का जाप करना है और जिस पर भी आप वशीकरण करना है उसकी फोटो को अपने हाथ में रखना है

Photo se Vashikaran Mantra /फोटो से वशीकरण मंत्र |  

Photo se Vashikaran Mantra /फोटो से वशीकरण मंत्र  Vashikaran Mantra By Photo:-   “ॐ र श्र नाम वषमाणाय हु”

इस  मंत्र  का  उपयोग  आप  हमारे  पंडित  जी  से  कांटेक्ट  करने  के  बाद  करे  क्योंकि  कहते  है  जब  कोई काम  किसी की सलाह  के  साथ  किया  जाये  वो  बहुत  लाभदायक  होता  है  हमारे  पंडित  जी  की  मदद  से  आप  जिस  पर  भी  फोटो  से  वशीकरण  करना  या  करवाना  चाहते  है  हमारे  पंडित  जी  से  संपर्क  करके  ऐसा  कर  सकते  है  और  अपने  प्यार  या  जिस  को  भी   आप  अपने  वश  में  करना  चाहते  है  कर  सकते  है  फोटो  से  वशीकरण  मंत्र  से  /और  फोटो  से  वशीकरण  करके.फोटो से वशीकरण मंत्र आप हमारे पंडित जी से हिंदी तेलुगु मलायम इंग्लिश उर्दू पंजाबी मराठी में भी जान सकते है

Black Magic Removal Specialist

Black Magic Removal Specialist

Our Black Magic Removal Specialist/Black magic Ko Remove Karne wale specialist/kala jadu ko khtam kare specialist ke dwara/काला जादू को खत्म करे   : – Pandit Shanker Lal Ji is the specialist in black magic removal; Specialist he is the Black Magic Removal Specialist in India. Use the technique of black magic removal if you have any problems related Black Magic in your life. By black magic Removal, it actually makes a person unable to use the mind. Likewise, A block is therefore applied and in the intelligence of the person. and fall into depression.

Black Magic Removal Specialist – Black magic is basically the use of supernatural powers. Mainly for self-defense. In addition, our astrologers Shanker Lal Acharya Ji are specialists in black magic removal being a famous astrologer. Are our experts specialized in how to get rid of black magic?

  • Applying any kind of black magic spells to anyone, black magic for love. Our Black magic Specialist Aghori baba Ji are well known for their best astrology services around the world.
  • More of the clients are already consulting with our Black magic Removal specialist. About their problems and obtained solutions. From their greater to bigger and smaller to smaller problems.

Black Magic Removal Specialist Baba Ji | Black Magic Ko Remove Karne Wale Baba ji | Kala jadu Ko Khtam karne Wale Baba ji | काला जादू को खत्म करने वाले बाबा जी

Black Magic Removal Specialist baba Ji/ Black Magic Ko Remove Karne Wale Baba ji / Kala jadu Ko Khtam karne Wale Baba ji / काला जादू को खत्म करने वाले बाबा जी: – Black magic is an ancient art that has prevailed for centuries. Furthermore, well distributed in all corners of the world. However, Different communities, culture and countries have their own style to make this art. Moreover, and they can be taken in the form of mystical art to achieve the extraordinary.

Although there are variations on how to put a magic spell on others. Consequently, the result is the same everywhere. As well as, that is to bring happiness and satisfaction from it. Black magic as its name, we automatically think of the dark forces that surround us. Sometimes we may think they are bad or should not be mess with. Accordingly, but it is just the opposite. However, there is certainly risk involve and should not be taken too lightly. Because it cannot play up around by those who have no experience or less experience. Therefore, so boomerang will be fatal.

Black Magic Removal Specialist Astrologer | Black Magic Ko Remove Karne Wale Astrologer | kala Jadu Ko khtam Karne wale jyotish/Astrologer | काला जादू  को  खत्म  करने  वाले  ज्योतिष

Black magic Removal Specialist Astrologer/Black Magic Ko remove Karne Wale Astrologer / kala Jadu Ko khtam Karne wale jyotish/astrologer / काला जादू  को  खत्म  करने  वाले  ज्योतिष : – One of the most fascinating parts of computing is how it really works. However, the end result is such that it diverts people’s minds. In addition, Shankerlal Acharya Ji is a well-known black magic removal astrologer. As well as, who will give the correct direction for the research. To seek advice to follow and that will change the fate of the opportunity. In addition, during the life of the person who wants to do.

There will be spells that will restore ties and misunderstandings that need to be clarified. If the gap between friends, lovers, family members, between spouses, career and more. However, the whole process requires the skills to control the minds of others. Similarly, to get the final result that we want. Our Pandit ji is a very dynamic young astrologer. Besides, a known Black Magic Removal Specialist Astrologer. Constantly, and is well verse withdrawing, positive or negative results of these trades.

Black Magic Removal Specialist Pandit Ji | Black Magic Ko Remove Karne Wale Pandit ji | kala jadu ko khtam Karne Wale Pandit Ji | काला जादू  को खत्म करने  वाले  पंडित  जी 

Black Magic Removal Specialist Pandit Ji/Black Magic Ko Remove Karne Wale Pandit ji /kala jadu ko khtam Karne Wale Pandit Ji | काला जादू  को खत्म करने  वाले  पंडित  जी  :- It has been helping people to get rid of problems that are not their own. He has all the knowledge about the black magic removal specialist online. Besides vashikaran and he can use that magic to help you get rid of the problem of your life.

To reach it you only have to find Black Magic Removal Specialist Pandit ji. On the Internet and you will find it. On the other hand, you can also call him in case you want to establish a personal contact with him. At the telephone number that appears on the Internet. Similarly, So if you find yourself getting trap in any problem that is not eradicable by any other tool. Therefore, then come to us our vashikaran specialist and we will solve any problems you may have.

Convince Parents For Inter Caste Love Marriage

Convince Parents For Inter Caste Love Marriage

How to Convince Parents For Love Marriage | Kaise Convince Kare Parents ko Love Marriage Ke Liye

How to Convince Parents For Love Marriage | Kaise Convine Kare Parents ko Love Marriage Ke Liye:-In addition to solving or ending various problems. Likewise, obstructing love marriages or marriage marriages between castes. In addition, our veteran and admired world-wide Love marriage specialist pandit ji. As well as, he also offers friendly and considerate services to convince the concerned parents. Furthermore, about love marriage between castes .

So, therefore, how to Convince Parents For Love Marriage or Convince Parents Inter Caste Love Marriage. Similarly, for complete information about your solutions and services to conduct a marriage of concerted. Moreover, peaceful and happy love or marriage of love between caste. Therefore, please visit other websites of this eminent worldwide website that carry relevant titles. How to Convince Parents For Love Marriage

However, our website contains special and exclusive information. Likewise, about convincing parents of loving marriage people. In addition, who are in true and Convince Parents Inter Caste Love Marriage promising love with each other. Therefore, they are advised to meet or contact our good and benevolent pandit ji, long before To say something about his love to his parents.

Simultaneously, convince Parents Inter Caste Love Marriage and They can preferably leave the task on it. In spite of, as to How to Convince Parents For Love Marriage in the same caste with the help of our Vashikaran Specialist pandit solve their love problems all marriages.

How to convince parents for Inter Caste marriage |Kaise Convince kare Parents Ko Inter Caste Marriage Ke Liye

How to convince parents for Inter Caste marriage/Kaise Convince Kare parents ko Inter Caste Marriage Ke Liye between castes are resolved and avoided in this section separately. On the other hand, convince Parents Inter Caste Love Marriage. Besides, how to convince parents for Inter Caste marriage solve various problems and difficulties related to caste marriages, one of the highly efficient and quite effective measures is the refined and scrupulous use of astrology or vashikaran, or both.

These astrological or vashikaran services change all factors and adverse things to the favorable ones, to produce marriages between unanimous, concerted and peaceful castes or marriages of love. The only thing of prime importance is that the solution provider must be well informed, well experienced and truly fair. Convince Parents Inter Caste Love Marriage. Furthermore, this critical condition is also fully. Moreover, exclusively satisfied in the case of our worldwide popular and highly praised expert and vashikaran specialist, pandit Shanker Lal Acharya ji.

How to convince your father and mother (parents) to intercaste love Marriage | Kaise Convince Kare Mother Father Ko intercaste Love Marriage Ke Liye

How to convince your father and mother (parents) to intercaste love Marriage | Kaise Convince Kare Mother Father Ko intercaste Love Marriage Ke Liye :- How to convince your father and mother (parents) to intercaste love marriage. Because our love marriage specialist pandit ji is intelligent. In addition, and innovative enough to suggest some elegant and safer solutions or remedial measures.

Convince Parents Inter Caste Love Marriage Once again. Moreover, all the above-mentioned problems to caste marriages are easily solved by our veteran pandit ji from India. Moreover, after being satisfied with the steps and advice from him. Similarly, he can preferably tell his parents about the marriage between chaste love. Accordingly, if necessary, you can also suggest that you know our pandit ji for expert advice on the subject.

  • Convince Parents for Inter Caste Love Marriage specialist provide solutions and services are available online, and our pandit ji is often on tours to countries around the world to offer their services to people based on prior appointments.
  • so if you want to get marriage in inter caste you can concern. However, our specialist astrologer who tells us how to convince parents for inter caste Marriage because he is a best inter caste marriage specialist astrologer and solve your all love marriage problems.

Love Marriage/Inter Caste Marriage Ke Liye Mummy Papa (parents/family) ko Kaise Mnaye

Love Marriage/Inter Caste Marriage  Ke Liye Mummy Papa (parents/family) ko Kaise Mnaye :- pyar kisi ko bhi kisi se bhi kabhi bhi ho skta hai. Or jab ek baar dil ke taar jud jate hai  to inhe todna bhut muskil hota hai. Therefore, agar aapke dil ke taar bhi kisi se jude hai. Aur aap bhi kisi se pyar karte hai aur aap usse shadi karna chate hai. On the other hand, aapke parents nhi maan rhe hai to ab aapko ghabrane ki jarurat nhi hai. Aap humare baba  ji ki help se apni sari problem ko solve kar skte ho. Aur humare pandit ji ki help se aap apne pyar ko shadi me badal skte hai.

Wo bhi parents ki razamandi ke saath humare pandit ji ke dwara or Convince Parents Inter Caste Love Marriage or how to convince parents for inter caste marriage. Aap apne mummy papa parents family ko mna skte hai. Aur apni love  ko bhi aur apne parents ko bhi khush rakh skte ho. Aur saath hi saath agar aap different caste ki ladki ya ladke se pyar karte ho. To bhi aap humare pandit ji se sampark kar skte hai wo aapki problem ko solve karenge.

अपने घर वालों /family/परिवार को लव मैरिज के लिए कैसे मनाए

अपने घर वालों /family/परिवार को लव मैरिज के लिए कैसे मनाए :- कहते हैं यदि कोई बात प्यार से कही जाए तो वो बड़े से बड़े पत्थर को भी पिघला देता हैं. अपनी लव लाइफ का जिक्र घर वालो से करते समय उन्हें प्यार से समझाए की आप के द्वारा पसंद किया गया जीवनसाथी आप के लिए क्यों परफेक्ट हैं.

उसमे क्या क्या क्वालिटी हैं. वो आप से और आप उस से कितना प्यार करते हैं. हो सकता हैं कि  पहली बार में आप के घर वाले ना माने. आप पर नाराज भी हो. लेकिन आप अपना संयम न खोए. पलट कर जवाब ना दे. जब उनका गुस्सा शांत हो जाए तब दुबारा समझाने का प्रयास करे.अगर फिर भी न माने  तो आप हमारे पंडित से परामर्श ले सकते है वो आपकी इस प्रॉब्लम का समाधान   करेंगे .